Ofsted & Performance Data

Ofsted School Inspection Report

Our most recent Ofsted inspection was carried out in February 2015.
Ofsted rated our school as Outstanding, stating 'every aspect of this school’s work is exceptional'.

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils:-

  • Every aspect of this school’s work is exceptional.
  • Outstanding leaders at all levels work exceptionally well together to ensure high quality teaching throughout the school. As a result, teaching is outstanding and pupils achieve exceptionally well.
  • Governors have rightly supported the school's innovative approaches to organising the way pupils are taught. They have equally held senior leaders sharply to account for the impact of these decisions. Hence, governors have played a key role in the school’s success.
  • Leaders maintain a strong focus on continually improving the school. It has improved in every area of its work since the last inspection.
  • Pupils’ behaviour is impeccable. They work extremely hard in lessons and conduct themselves sensibly around the school. Pupils make a significant contribution to the life of the school by carrying out responsibilities with great maturity.
  • The school does everything possible to prepare all pupils for life in modern democratic Britain. The core values of commitment, respect, friendship, honesty, equality and understanding permeate all that the school does.
  • Teaching is precisely focused on the needs of each and every pupil. Teachers are exceptionally skilled at identifying what each pupil needs to learn next. Learning activities are skilfully designed so each pupil is suitably challenged.
  • Pupils’ newly acquired skills are reinforced through interesting activities which allow them to explore and investigate purposefully.
  • Teachers and teaching assistants work very hard to ensure all pupils speak and understand English very well. The emphasis on building pupils’ spoken language helps them become capable readers and writers. Teachers use pupils’ good speaking, listening and thinking skills to help pupils learn successfully in mathematics, science and a wide range of other subjects.
  • Procedures for keeping pupils safe and secure are of the highest quality.
  • The Early Years Foundation Stage provides an exceptionally good start for children.
  • They settle in and start learning English quickly. Children make excellent progress, so by the time they complete the Reception year, they are exceptionally well- prepared to start Year 1.

Read the full 2015 Ofsted inspection report.

Visit the Ofsted web page for Prince Albert School.

Key Stage 2 Performance Data











Greater Depth(high score)





Average progress
Between KS1&KS2



Average score (scaled)





Combined Reading, Writing
and Maths EXP+


Combined high score


Performance Tables

To view our schools latest performance tables published by the Department for Education, visit the DfE Website.

Contact Us

Prince Albert Primary School
Albert Road
B6 5NH

Phone: 0121 327 0594

Email: enquiry@princealbert.bham.sch.uk

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