Safeguarding Assemblies



At Prince Albert, ensuring the highest standards of safeguarding is important to us. Our curriculum teaches pupils to keep themselves and others safe, including online. We teach pupils the characteristics of a trusted adult and where to go for help and support if they are worried or concerned about themselves or someone else. Generally, the majority of this is taught through the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum. To support this important area of learning, we also hold regular safeguarding assemblies that are planned by the safeguarding team and delivered by class teachers. These assemblies are planned to compliment the PSHE curriculum and also to respond to specific contextual safeguarding concerns that arise as we go through the year.

We think it is important to share the content of these assemblies with you in order that you can talk about these issues with your child at home. Please click on the images below to access the PowerPoint slides from each assembly. We have added notes to support you in discussing these topics with your child. If you have any questions or would like any support, please see a member of the SLT.

1) What is an influence?


2) Influencers


3) Good and bad influences


4) Social Media


5) Accepting other people's differences


Contact Us

Prince Albert Primary School
Albert Road
B6 5NH

Phone: 0121 327 0594


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