

Free School Meals - BCC Voucher Codes for October Half Term

In order to continue to support eligible parents and pupils with access to free school meals (FSM) during the October half term, Birmingham City Council have retrospectively provided a one-off supermarket eVoucher for each eligible pupil in Reception to Year 6. Birmingham City Council have provided these voucher codes which can be redeemed online for a range of supermarkets.

If you are eligible and have received a text message from school with your digital eVoucher cheque, please follow these steps to order your supermarket eVoucher:


Ready Set Ride


Over the next 4 weeks EYFS will be starting their Journey to cycling using Balance Bikes as shown in the image and using BritishCycling Ready Set Ride scheme. You can access all the videos and resources here support your child’s learning of these new skills at home.


Updated guidance for parents regarding school closures

Dear parents,

The DfE have today released updated guidance for parents regarding school closures.

It can be found here:

Thank you.


Virtual After School Clubs

We are pleased to support and promote the news that The Youth Sport Trust have taken the step to deliver a free virtual after school club as part of a national response to the second lockdown.

The 30-minute club will take place at 5pm each weekday and be led by a different member of the YST’s athlete mentor network, starting on Thursday 12 November with world no.1 female inline skater and 10-time British Champion Jenna Downing.


Children in Need 2020

Please click the linnk below to view the letter regarding Children in Need at Prince Albert

Click Here


SEND Parents Phonecall

Please click the link below to view the latest information.

Click Here


COVID-19 New Lockdown Information

Please click the link below to view the latest information regarding school. During Lockdown.

Click Here


Mr Colin Parker – A tribute

On Saturday 24th October Mr Colin Parker, Headmaster of King Edward VI Aston School passed away. Mr Parker was also the vice chair of the PACT board of trustee. This is a tribute to Mr Parker by our CEO Mr Gulzar

Contact Us

Prince Albert Primary School
Albert Road
B6 5NH

Phone: 0121 327 0594


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