
Chargeable After School Provision

We are currently looking at whether it is viable to run 'chargeable' after school provision at Prince Albert School in September. In order to help us to make this decision, can you please fill in the attached form by end of Wednesday 12th July . If this is something you would be interested in please click on the following link:

Y6 - End of Year Events

We will be holding a leaver’s party for year 6 children on Wednesday 19th July from 5.30 until 7.00. Children are required to leave school at the usual time and then return at 5.30. All children will need to be collected by an adult at the end of the party at 7.00.

We are also holding a year 6 performance of The Lion King for parents/carers on Tuesday 18th July at 9.15 and Wednesday 19th July at 2.15. Parents/carers can choose either date to attend. Only two people can attend per child – this includes babies/infants. This letter is your admittance for two people. Please bring it with you for entry to the production.

On Thursday 20th July, year 6 will be heading off for a picnic in the park as a celebration of a fantastic year. On this date, please could you send your child in with some food to share. This could be food, cakes etc. All items must be shop-bought and in sealed packaging.

Finally, we would like all parents to join us at 1.15 on Friday 21st to say a final goodbye to our year six pupils. If your child usually goes home on a Friday, please could you send them in with a packed lunch as we would like all year 6 pupils to leave at 1.15.

IQM Award - Prince Albert Primary School

Prince Albert Primary Schoolhas achieved the Inclusive School Award with Flagship status!

Children are Happy and Safe

Prince Albert is a 3-form entry school situated in the heart of Aston.  Aston is considered amongst the city’s most deprived Wards, whilst having the 9th lowest average income out of the city’s 69 Wards.  Despite the difficulties in the local area, the children at the school are happy and feel safe and it is clear that the outreach work done by the school is welcomed by the local community.  The school is part of the Prince Albert Community Trust (PACT) and live out the values of being caring, inclusive and creative, that raises the bar for every child so that they can flourish and achieve their potential.

Click here for the full article

CEO Sajid Gulzar to move on from Prince Albert Community Trust

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of Sajid Gulzar from his position as CEO of Prince Albert Community Trust. After more than 26 years of serving children across Birmingham and 14 dedicated years of service at PACT Sajid has decided to take on an exciting new role in Dubai with Kings’ Education.

National Online Safety App

Children are spending more time than ever online. As adults, we need to do everything we can to keep them safe in the digital world. But with new apps, games and platforms emerging every day, how can you stay in the know?

Click here for information on the National Online Safety App

Newsletter - Autumn 2022

Dear parents/carers

Welcome to our Autumn 1 newsletter. We've had a great start to the year, the pupils have settled well into their new classes. I have had lots of positive feedback about our 'new look' curriculum overviews which were sent out earlier this term.

I hope you have had time to look through these with your child and talk, with them, about their learning. We also launched our 'new look' homework books and have had lots of positive feedback from both pupils and parents. Please remember to help your child at home by encouraging them to read every day and complete their homework on time.

Homework overviews are available on our website, these provide an outline of the homework your child should be completing each week.

Click here for the full newsletter

How to know when your child is a competent swimmer

Water competency is often misinterpreted by parents and guardians as their child being able to jump into a swimming pool and being able to put their face in the water. The reality is very different.

Learning to jump into a swimming pool is an important safety skill that children often achieve in the early stages of their learning to swim journey, as it is one of the outcomes in our Pre-School Framework

Click here for the full article

Term Dates 2022/2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find below the dates and times of key events of the school year:

Click here for the term dates

Contact Us

Prince Albert Primary School
Albert Road
B6 5NH

Phone: 0121 327 0594


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