A huge thank you for all of the donations raised for Rememerance Day. We raised an amazing £100.94. The profits from the Poppy sales go towards funding the British Legion's ongoing work in supporting the Armed Forces community, serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. Thank you for your support.
For those parents who were unable to make the Y6 SATs information session held on 19.11.24, please click on the link below to view the slides:
Harvest donations and Toy collection
Dear Parent/ Carers,
This term we had a visit from Birmingham City Mission (BCM) who are a Christian charity that support people in need in our city. The BCM school team delivered an assembly to the children discussing the importance of sharing and caring for others. We would like to ask for food donations which will be donated to the homeless such as tinned food and packets of non-perishable food (pasta, noodles etc).
We ask that the children bring these donations to their class teachers on
Friday 22nd November 2024
Fantastic Free Workshops and Fitness Events in Aston
Please see below an invitation from Cllr Mumtaz Hussain and Cllr Ayoub Khan MP to attend the upcoming Aston ward community meeting this Friday 15th November at 6:30pm at King Edwards VI Grammar School (access at end of Albert Road). The meeting will focus on local community issues, prioritises and decisions important to people in our local area. The meetings are one way you can get involved in decisions that affect our neighbourhood. All residents of Aston are invited to attend.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact them.
Reason 4 Reasoning : A Community Led Project where black men can socialise, come together, play games and more once per week. Informal discussions, health and wellbeing , life issues . Starts on the 24th October and every fortnight after. 4pm-10pm. Further details found in the poster attached.
Join in with this year’s challenge. Children aged 4-16 years can read any books they like during the holidays. There are collector cards and prizes to collect along the way and a certificate and medal for every child who completes the challenge by reading six books of their choice.
Click poster for full details