
Flagship Report - April 2022

I am very proud to inform you that we continue to be a Flagship School for our work around inclusion. I hope you enjoy reading the report as much as I did.


Miss Davies

Click here to read the Flagship Report - April 2022

Mother's Day 2022

With the recent relaxation of the Government COVID 19 restrictions, we are really excited to be able to invite parents and carers back into school.

Click here for the full letter


Safer Internet Day 2022

We've just signed up to the #SaferInternetDay supporters list! What are you doing for the day? Find out more

Certificate for Safer Internet Day 22

Parent/Carer webinar offer from Specialist SEN services at Birmingham City Council

Please see the attached flyers for free parent/carer webinars that are being offered by the specialist SEN services within Birmingham City Council.

They are available for anyone to access.

November 2021

Supporting Autisitic Children with Mental Health Issues

Sensory Smart Primary & Secondary

Talking about Women & Girls on the Autistic Spectrum

Parents Evening

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are approaching the end of our first half term back in school and would love to communicate with you about your child’s. Therefore, parents evening will take place on: 

Tuesday 12th October and Thursday 14th October

These meetings will take place over the phone. You will be allocated a specific time to expect a phone call.

Meetings will be 5 minutes each and teachers will not be able to go over their allotted time slot.

Click here to read the full letter

Online safety training for Parents

Please click on the following link to access National Online Safety which you can use to self-enrol and take the parent courses.

PA - National Online Safety

Welcome Back!

We hope you enjoyed the summer break and look forward to welcoming all pupils back to school on Monday 6th September.



ParentPay - our new online payment service from September 2021

We are pleased to announce that you will be able to pay online for items such as dinner money, school trips and uniform, using a secure website called ParentPay. ParentPay is replacing School Money. ParentPay will be our only method of making payments to school.

Click here to read the full letter 

Click here for the Parent Pay Website

Please see links below for help with Parent Pay activation

Parent Pay Activation video Pushto

Parent Pay Activation video in Urdu

Parent Pay Activation video in Romanian

Parent Pay Activation video in Punjabi

Parent Pay Activation video in Bengali


Below you will find links to videos from some of the staff at Prince Albert Primary School, who are very excited to welcome your children as students of our school.

Please click the links to view the videos.

For children starting Nursery

Information for Parents

A tour around the Nursery 

Meet your keyworkers

Miss Dayman

Mrs Anwar

Mrs Fallon

Mrs Pathan

Mrs Power

For children starting Reception

Welcome meeting

A tour around Reception

Meet your keyworkers

Mrs Tromans

Mrs Aslam

Mrs Khatun & Mrs Kauser

Miss Matthews

Miss Elmi 

Contact Us

Prince Albert Primary School
Albert Road
B6 5NH

Phone: 0121 327 0594


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