We were really excited to invite visitors from the Coventry Confucius team to celebrate Chinese New Year with our pupils. Activities included watching a display of dancing, listening to instruments being played before they embarked upon three workshops. The workshops were about the art of paper cutting, Tai Chi and Chinese dance. Everyone had a very enjoyable learning experience.
We were incredibly grateful to welcome PCSO officers Louise and Tyrone from the Aston Neighbourhood Team into school on Monday 20th January. The officers delivered sessions to both Year 3 and Year 5 children, with a focus on online safety, community dangers and the role of the police. We are looking forward to continuing to work with our local PCSO officers on training members of our Pupil Leadership Team up to becoming 'Junior PCSO Officers'.
It was wonderful to see so many families come to our Autumn Art and DT Exhibition on Thursday 9th Janaury. This was a fantastic opportunity to view your child's end of unit projects and see their learning journey. We look forward to hosting a Spring exhibition later on within the term.
Many thanks to those who attended the Y6 SATs parent session on Friday 10th January, 2025.
If you were unable to attend, please click on the link below to view the information that was shared. As always, if you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Y6 team or a member of SLT.
How to Support your Child with Year 6 SATs
Please find details of coffee mornings hosted by Autism West Midlands.